Fort Worth Credit Card Debt Attorney

Credit Card Debt Can Be Overwhelming

Used sparingly and prudently, credit cards can be a useful financial tool. You can defer payments on purchases, get a comprehensive record of your purchases and spending history, and build your credit score by making timely payments.

On the flip side, though, credit card debt can be debilitating for people in Fort Worth. If you do not pay your balance in full every month, your debt can slowly but surely grow as interest charges increase. It may take years, even decades, to pay off an account if you only send the minimum payment every month. If you are late on payments, your credit score will suffer, and you will be faced with increasing fees — further inflating your debt.

A Common Problem For Many People

Having a balance on your credit card is nothing to be ashamed of; in fact, the average credit card debt for U.S. residents runs in the thousands of dollars. But when this debt becomes unmanageable — often combined with debts from medical bills, student loans and mortgages — there may be few options left to get out of financial trouble.
As an experienced bankruptcy attorney, I have seen the havoc that credit card debt can cause — and the debt relief that can come from filing for bankruptcy.
If you feel as though you are over your head due to credit card debt, get in touch with me. Because I’m the only lawyer at my firm, I will work personally with you to help get you on track and put an end to the debt spiral you are experiencing.

Call me to set up an appointment; your initial consultation is always free. Reach my office at 682-231-0909 or complete and
submit my online contact form to get started.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

We Can Help

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3632 Lafayette Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76107
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