One of the consequences of falling behind on debt payments is that your employer could be ordered to garnish your wages. If this happens, you could see some of your take-home pay sent directly to your creditors. That could further negatively impact your ability to keep pace with other debts you may have.
Once you have reached this point, you will likely need help with wage garnishment issues. In Arlington and Fort Worth, people can depend on the Steele Law Firm to find an experienced, compassionate bankruptcy attorney who can help them to resolve their wage garnishment issues.
When your wages are being garnished, you have to make a decision about what action you will take. For a court to order your wages to be garnished, it is likely that your debt is substantial. Having some of your income — up to one-fourth of your disposable income — automatically taken away will make it even more difficult to pay off your debts in a timely manner.
As a bankruptcy lawyer, I have helped numerous people struggling with debt to file for bankruptcy and stop collection actions against them. The longer you wait to do something about your financial problems, the longer they will continue to disrupt your life, so it is to your advantage to seek legal help sooner rather than later.
Contact my office to schedule a complimentary consultation. Call me at 682-231-0909 or complete my online contact form to set up an appointment.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.